Don’t use booleans

  • Date: December 16, 2019

Use enums instead.

With any blanket statements like this, there are always exceptions. Though in general, I believe the use of enums is often a better choice compared to boolean, unless you really need to squeeze your data into one single physical bit.


Recently, I came across a function call in our code-base where I challenged my team to name the arguments for some cash, and sadly, I kept my money. It looked something similar to this:

fetch(accountId, false, true, true);

Obviously, the readability could improve quite a bit by having inline annotation:

  true, // include disabled,
  true, // fetch history, 
  true, // fetch details

Though, as we see here, you either need a rigorous code review process or linter, or just rely on developers doing due diligence. Something like this would be much more readable:

  {ItemStatus::Active, ItemStatus::Disabled},
  FetchOptions::History | FetchOptions::Details,

Notice the difference between the ItemStatus and FetchOptions enums. One is an exlusive enum (i.e. each item can only have one of the boolean values) and one is a bit-mask flags.

Explicit typing

Why would you want explicit typing? Imaging staying up late fixing a bug and calling this fetch function. If you're like me, there's a high probability that you'll cross your eyes and pass true/false in the wrong places, calling fetch(false, true, false) instead of fetch(true, false, false). Your tests would have needed to have all the permutations of the booleans to catch that issue. And good luck spotting the issue even if your tests failed.

With the enum version of the API, you can't accidentally call fetch(FetchOptions::History, {ItemStatus::Active}). The compiler or interpreter should bark pretty loudly in this case.

If your programming language allows, use explicit bit-mask types instead of int. This will make sure that the call site cannot accidentally pass in the wrong flags.

Behavior Driven & Extendability

Whenever I was about to use booleans and stepped back to consider using enums as an alternative, I often found myself going over the actual use-cases, or the behaviors and states of the application. It's easy to just slap on another boolean at that point in time without considering the actual use-case or the behavior of the API. Let's look at our fetch API again; boolean signature is:

  int accountId,
  bool includeDisabled,
  bool includeHistory,
  bool includeDetails,

Suppose we have a new piece of data called flags, and we want to return those flags. However, we need to be backward compatible to the existing callers, and only return the flags if they explicitly indicate so. So let's update our API signature:

  int accountId,
  bool includeDisabled,
  bool includeHistory,
  bool includeDetails,
  bool includeFlags, // <----- This is our shiny new boolean

One issue though: the flags actually come from the details. In other words, we need to validate that if includeFlags is true, the caller must also set includeDetails to true, and need to document it somewhere (assuming your callers read documentation):

if (includeFlags) {
  assert includeHistory;

Imagine having three or more enums that are coindependent, we'll suddenly need a big compatibility matrix. Let's see how we can extend the enum version of this API:

enum FetchOptions {
  None = 0,
  History = 1,
  Details = 2,
fetch(int accountId, set<ItemStatus> statuses, FetchOptions options);

The only thing that we need to do is to add a new option in our FetchOptions enum:

enum FetchOptions {
  None = 0,
  History = 1,
  Details = 2,
  DetailsWithFlags = 4, // <----- This is our new fetch option

The caller just can't pass in the wrong thing!


With every codebase, there is always a fine balance with how much one should “over engineer”. Though, I feel that the overhead for using enums of booleans are quite low, and the benefits enums provide are worth the effort.